Help preserve climbing at Mount Ninderry

1st July 2024
By ACAQ Policy Officer

Sunshine Coast Council has released a draft plan for Mount Ninderry, a key rock climbing location in South East Queensland. The plan proposes increased walking trails and lookouts, has a large focus on Tradition Owners issues, and includes a shed for landcare and Traditional owner use. While the plan says it is seeking to increase opportunities for nature based recreation, the only reference to climbing in draft is an ‘issue’ of‘ safety concerns and unlawful access by rock climbers, particularly where Falcons nest.

Extensive sport climbing has occurred at Ninderry since 2010. While climbing and opportunities had previously been acknowledged by Council in their prior background document, this seems to have disappeared in the current draft...

Further no consultation has occurred to date with ACAQ or climbing user groups, despite climbing being perhaps the most significant historical recreational activity at Mt Ninderry.

ACAQ would welcome improved access trails and parking (especially if it reduces impact on local residents). We also consider that facilities for land and crag care give climbers an opportunity to assist in conservation, as we do at other locations.

However ACAQ has significant concerns that the process could lead to climbing access restrictions or enforcement of local law amendments made across Sunshine Coast Council land in 2016 that seek to prohibit climbing and abseiling unless signed as a designated area.

How can I help

Council is seeking feedback until Monday 15 July. You can publicly say why you got to and what you love about Mt Ninderry - Rockclimbing of course - on the consultation website here [,About%20Mount%20Ninderry,Environment%20Levy%20land%20acquisition%20program.]

To date at least half of the submissions are from people who love climbing at Ninderry. If you love climbing at Ninderry or want to do so in the future make it known!

There are also some survey questions you can answer privately too. Consider pointing out that consultation should occur with climbers or ACAQ; .climbing should be preserved, expanded and formally designated by Council; any tracks should not pass below established climbing area; that climbers are the biggest users now; that as a climber you care for the environment and look out for climber notifications of falcon nesting.

There is also a ‘drop in consultation’ day on Sunday 7 July 2024 09:00 am to 12:00 pm

Main Car Park, Mount Ninderry Environment Reserve. Go along and speak to the Council there, and maybe go for a climb afterwards.

ACAQ has made a detailed submission on behalf of its members in support of rock climbing at Mt Ninderry. View the submission here.

For more information download this document

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